Can i ask you something? Why is it that when a man is in need of a certain type of shirt, all he has to do is go to Wal-Mart, grab an $8 polo and call it a day? Does he have to try it on? No. Does he worry it won't fit or flatter? Sure doesn't. Does it work for him every time? Why yes, it does. How is this fair?! Can a woman walk in, grab a shirt and go? Not this one. Can i say, "oh, golly that's my size! I'll just take it. No need to try it on and see if this size ** (did you think I was going to put my size up here?!) is the same as all the other size ** i have in my closet." Nu-uh. It don't work that way.
Let me explain my rant. Steven and I have been pretty busy the last month--with every weekend having something planned. During two of these weekends we were required (one self-imposed, one not) to find solid shirts to wear for pictures. Now the first was a gray shirt for a family picture with my sister, Brian (her other half) and the kiddies. (Pictures below because they are adorable) Meredith and I decided on the color choice and figured it would be easy to find something. Why did I not call upon my 28 years of clothing experience to tell me that not only would it not be easy, it would be annoyingly difficult to find something that i have pretty much made mandatory that I have. That's how it goes. You need gray? The clothing racks laugh at you and say, "HA! all we have is white and black! And some awful shades of mustard and poop that no one will buy. Take that!" Steven on the other hand, walked into Wal-Mart, picked up an $8 polo and never tried it on. Fabulous. I never did find a gray shirt. So that's why Steven and I are in black. His shirt, he walked into Wal-Mart, picked up and bought for $8 without trying it on. Jerk.
The truth is that there were lots of gray shirts. But none of them fit. They were either too big or too small. More were too small but there's no need to rehash the pain. When it came time to find my next shirt needed (a white one for Steven's Mimi's 80th birthday family picture--quite the title huh?) i figured, this can't be too hard. White shirts are everywhere. Well, by everywhere I clearly did not mean Clayton, NC or surrounding towns. I looked, and looked and looked for a stinking white shirt. Well wouldn't you know I found tons of GRAY!
See, i own two white shirts. One, is still a liiiiiitttle bit too small. The buttons are pretending to be the repellent sides of a magnet. It's a slight issue when you want to wear your clothes in public. Well, for me anyway--some people don't care. The other one i have is way too big. Big smile! I bought it in my "this is the biggest i have ever been" phase. So i was happy it would not work. I finally found a shirt on the CLEARANCE rack at Target! YAY! i really like this shirt. I really should have never washed it. Because when i did, it shrank. Nice. Is it too tight? No. Is it now so short that it hovers dangerously close to my belly button. oh yes. Will i ever wear it again? Fat freakin' chance. Oh, by the way, Steven bought an $8 white polo from Wal-Mart that he never tried on. Fit fine. Didn't shrink. He'll wear it again. Good for him.
Ok, so moving on to something a little more positive. Since the last time I posted I've been continuing the eating overhaul. And let me tell you, last week, I hauled in a lot of food. I was ravenous. I was never satisfied. And by the time it was over, I decided it best not to weigh. Oh, and I felt like ass. Yeah, that's the best word to describe it--sorry to any sensitive ears. So this week it was back to the grind. I ate better--felt better. I exercised--felt better. And i hit a new milestone. 40 pounds!! Oh yeah, that's right. Take a look again...FORTY POUNDS! (looks even better in that form doesn't it?)
I had been hovering in the 30's--no small feat, but completely unsatisfying after about four weeks. Something had to give. And i'd be damned if it was going to be the waistband of my pants. I felt the inflation of the tube coming on and went into panic mode. Has this become a trend for me? I'm honestly a bit worried about that. I do terribly for a week or so and then do a 180* and get back on track. How do i stay on track for two weeks straight? Well, we certainly won't find out in the next few days. I'm going to Charleston. And i'm going to enjoy myself. In case you have yet to notice, me enjoying myself includes yummy food. Who would have guessed?!
Love the gray and black! |
Us and Hillary |
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crazy kids |
Cole |
All the kids--Big Ones included |
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Sisters |
Oh I feel so much better now that I got to read and giggle at your blog. I seriously think that you should make a book of blogs. A weight loss book. People would pee themselves. Cause you are funny, honey. :)
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures. Foxy looking people on there. :) And loved the blog. As usual. Made me laugh pretty hard. Tell Steven that I am bitter about those shirts and if I see him wearing those around me, I am going to spill something permanent on them. Or rip a sleeve. Or something. It is not fair. Damn boys.
I completely agree with Mer! You so need a book! I'll buy 100 copies and be your publists! =) I'm so proud of you for reaching 40 pounds. That is such a huge defeat! And I know it feels awesome!. Shopping time! Keep the blogs coming! No more waiting a month in between again!!!!