- a young girl who got into her mother's lipstick
- a 3 year old that does not know how to drink red Kool-Aid yet
- a drunk clown
This started this past winter. My lips would get chapped to the point of severe irritation and this was the result A few days and nights of extrememly heavy Blistex application and it goes away. But the in the meantime (the in between time, you go for yours and i'll go for...sorry--slipped into the rap from Can't Hardly Wait) it is so embarrasing. You can tell people are trying not to look at it. But how can they not? I would! You can't miss the glow of red that eminates from my face. It's like a beacon begging your eyes to follow it as I talk. sigh*
Since the weather has warmed up (Thank you, God!) this has pretty much stopped happening. Only after the temperature dips and I subject myself to the elements does it show up again. I've been good for a few weeks now. My Blistex has stayed perfectly hidden in the drawer, not needed in the least. Then last night I went to hockey with Steven. After the games the guys all stand outside for a while in a circle. There's a cooler in the middle. And they stink. But i've already written about that. Anyway, last night was really chilly. I had a coat on and the wind was a little punishing. I should have known today would be this way. I should have known that my mouth would turn on me.
I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business, when I began to feel that familiar tingling in the lower half of my face. By the time I went to lunch and bought some Carmex (they did not have Blistex) I was puffed up pretty good. Note to self: Carmex is not Blistex. It does not work like Blistex. Carmex sucks. My lips have gotten worse! Bigger, redder, badder than ever!
I give up. Steven went out and bought me a supply of the good stuff so I can start my treatments tonight. In the meantime (the in-between time) I will have to settle for looking like Ronald Mcdonald's half-sister who may just appear on an episode of Intervention in the near future.
Since I haven't seen this huge-lipped person, I will make my mental picture of red, lusciously plump lips, a la Angelina Jolie (minus the skanky attitude & 25 kids).
ReplyDeleteYou are so cracking me up over here and I can completely picture this!