So let's talk about this egg hunt, shall we? Do you know what was in some of these eggs? Money! What?! Umm...i seem to remember Easter egg hunts in the same backyard that raked in little more than the individually packaged candy eggs with the hard outside shell and weird really-have-no-idea-what-that-is white stuff in the center. I had no complaints. I was happy. But these kids--they get quarters! Yeah, yeah, it wasn't dollars but silver adds up! Is this the 2010 Easter Bunny? If this is how inflation works then my kids will be looking for car keys in their eggs.
Hillary found most of the money. Cole seemed to find most of the stickers--which he promptly looked at like, "Wow, someone's getting the shaft!" I'm with you, kid! He was hilarious to watch. Mostly because my mom followed him around pointing out where the eggs were. I swear she was having more fun then they were. That's her to the right stealing from the children. It's sad, folks; we don't talk about it.
No, no just kidding! She was having a blast and wanted to be sure that this Easter was a really good one for them. Mission accomplished, Mama! It was a really good one for all of us.
After the hunt came the food. Lots and lots of food. Barbecue chicken, pork, potato salad, green bean casserole (my sister and I fight over this), and other goodies. It was enough to make you want to lie back in a recliner and do nothing...something like this....
We got home that night exhausted. We did stay up to watch the end of the Duke game. Championship game tonight! The next morning we slept in until 9--unheard of for us--and then got to mulching. My lower back is so upset with me right now! I may not be able to lay on my side but the front flower beds are pretty. Fair trade? I guess.
We also added ferns to the front porch and they look so pretty! I know what you're thinking, "so you added more plants that you have to water knowing that you don't do so well with watering plants." Short answer, "yes." Hopefully the power of the watering can will continue and the ferns won't die.
Oh and I need everyone to take a moment of silence and reflection for the passing of our dear daffodils. (insert quiet time here)
That's right, we killed them. Who knew you could not dig them up and move them to a new location once they have bloomed?!?! You did? Thanks for the info, pal. So they have to be pulled up and replaced. We're thinking more gerber daisies--I seem to be able to keep those alive. So far at least. Did I just jinx myself?
Never move plants that are in bloom (unless it's a big tree or shrub that can with stand it!) LMAOOOOOOOOOO. I am laughing so hard over here I can't breath. Thanks for making my Monday morning so cheerful with your weekend post! Love them.